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Improve Your French Language With Us.


This weblog is made for people who are interested in improving their skills in French language .

We provide our site with (8) linguistic services for you in order to improve your performance in French as a second language:

[Audio] Listen daily to new words and small sentences in order to improve your listening and pronunciation.

[Conversation]Talk with people interested in improving their French and correct your and their linguistic mistakes.

[Definitions] Get the definition of any French word you want by a simple click.

[Speaker] Learn how you must spell and pronounce your words, sentences and whole texts.

[Spelling] Check you French Spelling.

[Translator] Free online translations for words,sentences and texts.

[Words A Day] A new French word and small sentences everyday.

[French Keyboard] If you don't have a French Keyboard.

We hope this weblog help you doing better in French Comprehension,Reading, Writing,Listening and Speaking.

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